Naturopathic Cure

6 Powerful Herbs For Treating Diabetes

naturopathic herbs for treating diabetes

Diabetes has evolved into a prevalent and often lethal disease over time. According to the WHO, diabetes affects approximately 422 million people worldwide in 2021, with the disease primarily affecting low- and middle-income nations.

Diabetes is a long-term illness that affects the way your body converts food into energy. Type 2 diabetes, which affects mostly adults and arises when the body grows resistant to insulin or does not produce enough of it, is the most common. Normally, food is broken down into smaller sugar components known as glucose after consumption. This glucose is released into the bloodstream, providing the body with energy.

When blood sugar levels are too high, the pancreas acts as a regulator, releasing insulin into the body. When a person has diabetes, the body struggles to make enough insulin or cannot properly utilize the insulin it produces. As a result, there is an excess of blood sugar in the bloodstream. If not treated properly, it can lead to major health problems such as renal disease, heart disease, vision loss, and so on.

The majority of synthetic medications used to treat diabetes work for a short period before failing due to their inability to lower blood glucose levels. Furthermore, synthetic medications cause various negative effects in those who use them, such as skin irritations, due to the high use of chemicals. This prompted a search for a better, healthier option.

Diabetes naturopathy treatment is becoming more popular as a better alternative treatment choice. Some herbs have been proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of diabetes. Here are six powerful herbs for treating diabetes.

Bean Pod:

The plant has been proven to be fairly beneficial in healing diabetes, despite its widespread popularity and consumption for its highly proteinous seeds. The bean pod’s green surface contains hormones that can activate the pancreas and increase insulin synthesis – the hormone that controls blood sugar levels in the body. Boiling the pods to make tea and consuming it daily can help to lower blood glucose levels.

Blueberry Leaves: Anthocyanins, which operate as potent antioxidants, are abundant in blueberry leaf. The leaves of the blueberry play an important role in collagen formation. These anthocyanidins can help diabetics protect their vascular arteries. Blueberry leaf extract has been found in studies to drastically lower blood sugar levels. The leaves are dried and taken three (3) times a day as a tea.


In India, the seed of Fenugreek is widely used in the naturopathic treatment of diabetes. Mucilaginous fiber, amino acids, saponins, and alkaloids are all found in abundance in the seeds. The high fiber content (50%) of these seeds aids in reducing carbohydrate absorption and lowering blood sugar levels after meals. According to certain research, these seeds contain 4-hydroxy isoleucine, an essential amino acid that can help with insulin synthesis.

Mango Leaves:

Aside from the luscious flesh that surrounds the seeds, boiling mango leaves in water and drinking it first thing in the morning before eating anything can help with diabetes insipidus.

Milk Thistle:

This plant is a common naturopathic option for diabetic treatment. It is high in antioxidants, which can help many diabetics improve their health. Milk thistle supplementation has been shown to considerably reduce blood sugar issues in diabetics with diabetes insipidus.

Rose Geranium:

this is a variety of geranium with leaves that have a rich rose scent. Certain regions of Africa are home to this geranium species. They’ve been discovered to be yet another useful plant in the treatment of diabetics. Patients with diabetes mellitus who frequently suffer from skin ruptures and sores on their feet find it to be highly beneficial. These herbs also help with blood coagulation and lower blood pressure dramatically.

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